Archive for the year 2021
When COVID struck, the whole professional world was digitally transformed in a matter of days and weeks.
Companies that didn’t think they’d ever do it, embraced remote work.
Zoom became the thing.
There was no commute.
People were saving time…
There is more to life than work.
That is why it is not smart if we use time saved by being productive to work more.
Best to find work that is fulfilling and pays high enough that we don’t have…
Live everyday as fully as possible.
Be curious. Observe things.
Learn and implement what you are learning.
Take many small bets and then use that leverage to take big bets.
Through this maximize upside, till the point the risk is…
To find success and live a comfortable life it matters to pick one thing and stick to it for long.
But you can only stick to something for long if it is not a big pain.
It is important that…
Success = Big Dream + Big Consistent Action + Belief in Self
So to succeed at anything one got to have a big vision.
Great if it is not about accumulation of material wealth but to solve big problems, create…
Want to write but can’t because of distractions?
Try these.
Switch off wifi and phone. To make this one work, do what you need the internet for in advance. Like completing any research beforehand.
2. Write in a notebook and …
This is for non-fiction writers.
Outline your book.
Write the first draft.
Edit it.
But don’t publish it.
What to do instead?
Break it into about 25-50 articles. Each chapter becomes an article.
Break the same content into 50-100 videos.…
1% improvement every day leads to more than 37% improvement over a year.
It is simple math.
It’s talked about often.
What’s not discussed often is how to put this into practice in our own lives.
Here is a…
Who wants an unhealthy body?
No one.
Still we continue to eat junk and live a life without discipline,
Who wants brain fog?
No one.
Still we continue to slog endlessly without caring for the engine, the mind.
Who wants…
An alternative title of this post can be – when unsure of what to do, take the options to the world and the world will tell you what to do.
So, you want to launch a startup.
And, have many…
When you see the big picture,
You understand the parts that make it, better.
Of course if the picture is too big, then you’ll miss out on certain things.
Even then you can observe one thing at a time.
If you want to build a business and you are still in the ideation stage then this article is for you.
Here are the four steps to build a growing business.
Make it.
As soon as you get an idea…
When early new year celebrations and hustle after coming back from holidays are behind us.
And we are in the groove, working but also have a certain rhythm to our days also.
Many christians around the world observe Lent around…
Fire yourself, even before you’ve hired yourself.
Don’t include yourself on the team.
This is simple when you are starting a new business.
Doable in case of an old business too.
Fire yourself, even before you’ve hired yourself.
Plan how…
A person I guide on career matters reached out about how she had applied for many positions and didn’t get a response.
Out of about 20 applications, she got 5-6 rejection emails and no calls for interviews.
She wanted to…
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