Think Before You Act

“Just do it.” “Act now, think later.” These are great slogans and action phrases. That doesn’t mean everyone should do it this way. Think about what’s at stake and where you are in your journey. If you are just getting…

Life > Career

Build a rich interesting life, And a career to support it. Not the other way around. It won’t happen on your own. Given the world we live in that pulls us in all directions, one where most people put careers…

Don’t Undermine Yourself

Don’t sit when you should be walking. Don’t walk when you should be running. Don’t run when you should be resting. Use your intuition and body and mind’s signals when what is right.  If your intuition does not guide you,…

The Lens of Transformation

I was talking to a creator friend. She is well known in her chosen space across the world. She is in a space where she is focusing on monetizing her expertise and creating new avenues of growth and exploration. And,…

#1500 Posts Done

I wrote and published 1207 of these in a row. One day at a time. It is just a number. But it is also a memory. And a record of a journey. It’s a reminder to tell me and others…

Run. Rest. Relish. Repeat.

RUN Work on your life’s calling or whatever you need to do to put food on the table. REST Obvious and important. Because renewal happens when you are resting.

And, one dies without renewal. RELISH Enjoy the fruits of your…

Finding Your Path in Life

There is no perfect path to getting where you want to be. Find what is right for you. Move fast, if you can. Because it takes many tries before you find yours. Explore widely. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes.…