Archive for the category Success

How To Achieve Success In Life

Success is what the most of the world is after. At the core success is made up of work, opportunity, luck and awareness. We can make a plan to achieve it if we understand each of these elements at core. That's what we try to do in this article.

There is no magic potion

You know this in your heart. If not — let us set the record straight. Ladies and gentlemen there is no magic potion or pill that can help you become a – –  Successful (able, known, greatinsert

Give wings to your dreams

As a kid I dreamt of becoming a business tycoon. I also fancied becoming a film director, a professional shooter, a marine, a monk, preacher, a model, a singer, a hip-hop artist and a professional speaker (list continues…)

Running after too many things?

Are you running after too many things at one go? That is a sure fire recipe for disaster. People doing start-ups, entrepreneurs are people with ideas. They read, observe and find inspiration in unusual places. But there is a flip-side;…

How to find success?

Most of us continue to chase success and some wait for it to surprise them. Listed below are 4 ideas that I think are better than chasing or waiting. 1. Start early The core benefit is lack of distractions. When…

Overnight success takes time

Yes friends success takes time at least it takes more than we think. Of course there are ways that can help you finish projects fast; but for big success you will need to spend years not months. You may have…

Your own online platform

It may have been a big deal in the past not anymore. Creating your independent online platform (IOP) is easier than ever. It works best when you intend to help others first. Owning a platform will become a reality in…