Archive for the year 2021

Simple Productivity

Sleep when time, work when alert and effective. Sleeping part is simple.  Go to bed not too late at night. Why? Because as per Ayurveda pitta in body repairs our cognitive functions and repairs other wear and tear that goes…

The Alter Ego

Do you fear putting yourself out there? On social media, taking the lead in the world that is made up of followers. If you don’t you’ll be part of a small minority. Because most people fear to create new stuff,…

Creating Calm Within

Our body is a bundle of energy. Even when we are weak, our body is a bundle of energy in that case it is a bundle of low energy. And our body’s energy field is made up of physical, mental…

Train Your Habit Muscle

For big success you can have only one goal. Because to succeed first and then to succeed big you need to optimize for what you want. And that only happens when you let go of other goals. In the book…

Lasting Change Takes Time

If you’ve been on a path of growth you know you didn’t just wish and transformed into who you are today. You took small steps over months and years. If you haven’t been on the path of growth but want…