Archive for the year 2022

Marketing Is Easy and Effective

When you believe in the product and business. If you are not sure, ask yourself if you would buy it. If you are a marketing consultant or agency for hire, ask yourself this question before working with a brand. When…

Who Does Not Make a Good Co-Founder?

Even when a person is well-meaning, they won’t make a good co-founder for the following reasons. 1/ Different Priorities

Like family vs. startup. You may be focusing on the startup, and they are most focused on their family. One co-founder…

How To Get Out Of Idea Desert

Most professionals think it is worthwhile to publish content on platforms where their audience hangs out. Many of them feel that they don’t have time to do it. Those who have time feel they don’t have ideas. It is simple…

Take Care of the Core, Rest Will Fall in Place

Lao Tzu said: Watch your thoughts, they become words.Watch your words, they become actions.Watch your actions, they become habits.Watch your habits, they become character.Watch your character, it becomes your destiny. Once you realize the simplicity and depth of these words,…

Attracting Opportunities

Opportunities in the market are ever-increasing. Everyone does not have those opportunities. They come to select few who attract them. Attracting opportunities is simple. Anyone can do it. You definitely can. How? Decide the kind of opportunities you are after.…

Happy Profitable Startups

What I am sharing some of it may work for consumer startups but will work the best for B2B startups. They are tough to build but not impossible. If you find a problem that you’ve solved and you like solving…

Make Action Your Default Response

Worrying takes so much mental energy.  We’ll save so much of this energy if we stop worrying about a task. Because it is much worse than the task itself. So don’t overthink or worry too much. Just act. Whether it…