Archive for the year 2020

Instill Belief In People

That they are destined for big things in life. When guiding young people assume that they will be successful. The worst that can happen is that the person you give your words of encouragement will amount to nothing later. But…

Don’t Take Risks You Don’t Understand

Raghuram Rajan erstwhile Chief Economist and at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) wrote in his book “Fault Lines: How Hidden Fractures Still Threaten the World Economy”: “Not taking risks one doesn’t understand is often the best form of risk management.”…

One Career, Five Jobs

Looking for career progression? Then you may have to go through five jobs to experience it. The first job is when you get your first one. And, you should not sweat much about how that one is. The second job

Getting Stuff Done 2.0

How do you make your dreams come true? You do it by working. But the mindless work cannot make our dreams true. We can live in the illusion of working and get almost nothing done. So, it is important to…

Offices Aren’t About Working

They never were. They have long been about monitoring. About surveillance. About keeping a tab. A place where we went to work. And, that place became a hub of stress, a place that hampered work when it should have facilitated.…

Compete With Yourself

I was an ambitious kid. I had started thinking about my future during early teens. But I did not get much guidance. So I did what someone in my situation would do.  I read books and looked outside for inspiration.…

Reverse Engineer Your Career

Career dreams are real. But for many of us, after we start working, these dreams die a slow death. Because the work takes over leaving us no time to pay attention to what we want and how to go there.…

No Experiment March

This is an Update Post. Skip it if you are looking for some learning. Since Jan 2019, I have run a self-growth experiment every month. The idea behind these experiments is to put ideas that promise growth into action and…