Archive for the year 2022
1/ Don’t give your tired self to important people in your life. They deserve your best energy. So spend some time with them, when your energy is fresh and bright.
2/ Learning leads to gain, so learn first before worrying…
Which is the best note-taking app, camera, laptop, car, microphone, phone, pen, or notebook?
The one you haveThe one you can use oftenThe one that allows you to do what you need to do
It does not matter if it’s,…
Sharing what works for me.
Sleep early. Because without your body’s natural repair and rejuvenation system, it cannot do its work. If you sleep at 4 am and until 11 am, those 7 hours are not the same if you…
Twitter is all of this at once:
A serendipity engineA writing workshopA party of the world’s doers, thinkers, and leaders
Use it as one or all of these.
Here is how each of these plays out.
Serendipity: Because…
First movers take the biggest risk.
What they do may or may not work.
Their costs and time investments are also high because they are chartering a new path.
And because of all these reasons, if a risk they take…
Jay Clouse runs Creative Elements, one of the top podcasts for creators.
He recently crossed 1 million downloads for his show.
It is a big milestone for any podcaster.
I recently happened to interact with Jay Clouse where he spilled…
When it is done with a group of people trying to learn the same thing as you, you get to interact and support each other.
When it is dynamic and two-way, so live courses and not pre-recorded ones.
When there…
When we forgive someone because we assume that it is good for them because they don’t have to live with the guilt.
We feel that we are doing it for them to help them.
But we help ourselves the most…
When we are too close to a problem, where we are in the middle of it, it often looks too hard to solve.
But when we step away from it and look at it from a different perspective, the same…
We can alter the course of our lives by making different choices.
Choices like,
What we eat
Who we marry
What we think
Where we work
Who we befriend
Who we work with
When we sleep and wake up
Kills ideas
Kills enthusiasm
Kills opportunity
Makes you lose mental energy
Kills time, and takes you away from what you could have been doing
Makes you a poor thinker and decision-maker because an overthinker does not take many decisions and…
It is more funIt is more rewarding because when you are focusing on playing, then it is easier to get in the flow, and where you are in flow, you do great work, and when you do great…
This is based on my learning and experience over the years. Hope it’s helpful for you.
Delegate to the person who has the skills and desire to do what you want done
This is the most important. Don’t ask a…
1. Show up.
Those who show up build momentum, and momentum is essential for success.
2. Think big and believe that you can achieve it.
10x growth is possible if you do what it takes, and it isn’t about working…
Right investments give you extraordinary returns.
Here are five assets you should invest in.
In self. Invest in your well-being and your growth. Buy books, take courses, and pay coaches and advisors.
In real estate. This is one of the…
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