Right investments give you extraordinary returns.
Here are five assets you should invest in.
In self. Invest in your well-being and your growth. Buy books, take courses, and pay coaches and advisors.
In real estate. This is one of the least risky investments with a definite upside if you can hold it in the long run. If you are strategic and can get a suitable property that can earn well on Airbnb, you can get good returns in the near term too.
In other people. Hire people to do your work. They get money and job satisfaction, and you get time, which you can deploy in more useful and profitable pursuits.
In relationships. Life is not fun without people to share your moments with. So invest in relationships with those you love and who love you back, especially those who love you selflessly. Don’t worry about making a million people like you. Instead, find a handful of people who love you for who you are and be with them forever.
In business. Find or start a company that will give you cash flow without working in it. It does not need to be a new age business, just something where there are capable employees already taking care of work and one that generates consistent cash flow and has healthy profit margins.
What else will you add to it?