Archive for the month August 2022

Don’t Hoard Learning

You’ll waste money and precious time if you do. Stop hiding behind courses and classes. Go out in the real world, do and build stuff and let the market teach you. Because learning for the sake of learning does not…

Thoughts, Past, Present, and Future

Our thoughts shape our reality. Through our thoughts, we wander in different directions, places, and times. We are in the past, reminiscing and reflecting, worrying, wondering, repenting, and smiling. All of these have their place, but there is another way…

How To Be Consistent

Consistency is rewarding. To be consistent, remember these four things. 1/ Don’t skip a daily habit two days in a row.  Because if you do, it is easy to get derailed. 2/ Start small and keep a minimum that you

Consistency Is Overrated

Don’t get me wrong. There is some value in being consistent. It can get you out of a rut. It is a great way to commit yourself and stay clear of procrastination. And it helps beginners improve to some extent.…

The Power of the Bullet Points

The professional world hails the power of storytelling.  It is powerful where the focus is on you, like when delivering a presentation or speech. But when in a dialogue like most professional conversations, a team Zoom, or an interview situation,…

13 Life Lessons in 13 Sentences

I have spent 10 years documenting 100s of life lessons. Here are 13 that I go back to often. ? 1/ Deep sleep is more potent than the strongest coffee. 2/ Whatever you give time and attention to grows. 3/…

Consistency Is Easy With Why Figured Out

It’s been more than 1,300 days since I started creating content daily. I've published content 1,300 days in a row.

Wrote 1Million+ words in the process.

Found 10 things one needs to be a stand-out creator. ?— Mohit Pawar (@mohitpawar)…