Archive for the year 2021

Unleash the Power of a Skill Stack

Write  Talk Tell stories Design Make videos Code Sell Learn to do just one of these well and you’ll be in demand. If you combine two of these skills, you’ll build a career. Think of the possibilities. Write + talk…

Build Systems, Results Will Follow

Without them everything is tough, And will take more, time, money, and energy. So, build systems. A system to work. A system to research. A system to grow your business. A system to get better. A system for staying connected…

21 Lessons Learned in Life So Far

Life is a game where everyone dies in the end. How we act when we are playing is the only thing we control so better to have some fun and make something worthwhile while we are here. Embrace uncertainty and…

Derisk Before Taking a Risk

Know the downside. It is more important than focusing on the upside. Know how much you are willing to lose. And how will you bounce back if you lose? With this in mind, there are only a few games that…