Archive for the year 2021

Do What You Love

Because whether you like what you do or not, it will take a large part of your life.  Even if that is 25% of the time you are awake it is 1/4th of your life. That’s is why it is…

Challenge for Today

Or whenever you read it. Start something that you always wanted to start. Or become someone you always wanted to be. How? You may ask. By calling yourself, who so ever you wanted to become, An author, a programmer, an…

This One Thing Will Make You Rich

Just develop an eye to see the problems around you. And then solve these problems for other people. Solve it even when they don’t pay you. So if you have to, solve your problems first. Chances are if you have…

Don’t Follow the Billionaires

There are less than 3000 billionaires in the world. Most of them are outliers, except those who inherited the wealth. Do you believe you are an outlier? If not, then your life will be served well by working to attain…

Momentum Is What Makes a Startup Thrive

When there is momentum in a startup, everything else falls in line. Why? Because when there is momentum, you are busy and focused. Without it, you are anxious and fearful. How can you build momentum? By selling, and by getting…

A New Coaching Model

Savvy coaches who teach courses do live sessions. To help their coaching clients move forward they give workbooks and tasks to do later. This leaves too much room for procrastination and not getting things done. That’s why not everyone who…

Let Energy Lead You

Have you been dreading working on something? Are you unhappy with your career choices? Are you missing deadlines? Have you been bored lately? All this can be because your heart is not in what you have to do. The usual…

How to Avoid Failure

The easiest way. Don’t do anything. But it is not the only way.  There is another better way. Do something that’s so small and non-risky that it can’t fail.

Or even if it fails, you won’t lose a lot of…