Archive for the tag Life


Business needs nurturing. Relationships need nurturing. Projects need nurturing. Talent needs nurturing. Your personal brand needs nurturing. Your social media presence needs nurturing. Good habits need nurturing Nurturing; Happens one day at a time. It cannot be hurried, even if…

How to use your freedom?

In countries across the world scores of freedom fighters made tremendous sacrifices to ensure that future generations will be able to talk and act freely. They have given the current generations a platform on which we can build our own…

Shut-off, why not?

In this world running at a breakneck speed it is important to stop and take breaks otherwise you know what will happen? Somebody will break a neck. Let us discuss why and how to shut off; and also touch upon…

Importance of space

We all live. Work encompasses a great part of our lives. We live and work in spaces — home, office, factories, workshops, studios, cottages, villas. Space in itself is nothing. It is beautiful because when our eyes look at it…

Unpack your day

All ambitious souls of 21st century want to achieve a lot in less time. That is why we tend to pack too much in our lives and hence in our days. If you think about it – only doing…

Is there a better way?

All of us want to become successful in whatever we do. Becoming successful in your chosen field is easy and asking right questions is a part of it. If you ask yourself regularly – “is there a better way?”, you…

Is success a baggage for you?

“Humility makes great men twice honorable.” ~ Benjamin Franklin This thought emerged in my mind couple of days back while sitting with a group of people over lunch, one of whom was ex-chairman of a large public sector corporation. I…

Parallel Path

Today I spoke to an enthusiastic group of people at one of world’s leading insurance majors. The idea of this article emerged there — discussing the possibility of doing what you love. People started talking about their dreams and some…

Stop living in the past

How many times have you read this? I guess many a times. Before you make any judgments about what is written below, let me ask you a question — You love your past but does your past love you? Strange…

Staying alone?

Many of you may be living alone away from home as a student or on work. I have also lived away from my roots for couple of years. As I look back there are certain things I feel like sharing…