How much time do you spend on social media and digital platforms everyday?
30 minutes?
An hour?
Or more?
What if I told you that as of mid 2020 an average Indian adult spends more that 90 minutes (1:39 hrs to be accurate) on digital platforms as per an eMarketer report.
And that’s not all of an adult’s media consumption time. You can add an average 3 hours, 45 minutes per day with traditional media, mainly TV.
That’s more than 5 hours of daily media consumption. Even if you discount TV time as family time, digital platform time is spent mostly alone.
Even 30 minutes a day of social media, adds up to 183 hours spent on social media every day.
And with the average total media consumption numbers, I shared with you, we are looking at more than 600 hours spent on digital platforms in a year. This is equivalent to 75 workdays of 8 hours each.

If you are among the people whose media usage numbers are close to what I shared, then you should never again talk about unfulfilled dreams because of lack of time.
I am all for connecting and chilling, but we rarely connect on social media, we lurk. Oftentimes, we equate endless scrolling with rest, that’s also not true.
I have experienced that a leisurely stroll, or sipping your cup of coffee or tea, while the Sun goes down, or just lying down with your eyes closed or taking a nap are more restful than scrolling through a mobile phone’s feed. So rethink if you are actually resting when spending time on YouTube.
Now, let’s take a macro look of your media consumption. If you take total average 5 hours daily media consumption into account, it equals to 1/5th of our total lifespan and 1/3rd of our time when we are awake, spent on media consumption.
So, you need to ask yourselves. “Is watching TV, and being a lurker on social media the best use of my time?”
If the answer is yes, then keep going the way you are.
And if you get a no for an answer, you know what to do 🙂