Archive for the category Dreams

There is no magic potion

You know this in your heart. If not — let us set the record straight. Ladies and gentlemen there is no magic potion or pill that can help you become a – –  Successful (able, known, greatinsert

Give wings to your dreams

As a kid I dreamt of becoming a business tycoon. I also fancied becoming a film director, a professional shooter, a marine, a monk, preacher, a model, a singer, a hip-hop artist and a professional speaker (list continues…)

What is stopping you?

As kids all of us harbor dream of becoming something – an actor, a pilot, a soldier, a businessman, a model or something. Over a period these dreams take a back seat. People still dream as they grow may be…

Big is powerful

Small is beautiful but big is powerful. Through the lines that follow we will try to explore why businesses should make an attempt to become big and explore ideas to attain size. Opportunity and action drive an enterprise. Business leaders…

How to be the best?

World is changing. Giving your best — is no longer enough. If you want to make a mark then you have to be among the best. Some ideas to help you become the best; Believe that you can be the

50 tips for happy entrepreneurs

Most of us pursue success which is a worthwhile cause. Better if success is achieved with your happiness intact. This is possible. You may be aware of some of the ideas below. Use the ones that resonate with you and…

How to accomplish big things?

There is a conversation in the movie “Die another Day” where James Bond (Pierce Brosnan) tells Gustav Graves (Toby Stephens), main antagonist in the movie – “You don’t chase dreams, you live them”. There is value in this dialogue. If…

Blogging helps

Blogging started as a tool for personal expression and evolved into a tool for promoting careers and brands. Despite the evolution individual expression remains an important aspect of blogging. Apart from a basic tool for recording your thoughts online there…

Yes you can write!

Blogging is a great way to get visibility for businesses and individuals. Artists, entrepreneurs, academicians all can benefit from the long-lasting and wide-reaching impact of blogging – when done right. Blogs have contributed a lot to the growth of people.…

Parallel Path

Today I spoke to an enthusiastic group of people at one of world’s leading insurance majors. The idea of this article emerged there — discussing the possibility of doing what you love. People started talking about their dreams and some…