What is stopping you?

don't_stop_tryingAs kids all of us harbor dream of becoming something – an actor, a pilot, a soldier, a businessman, a model or something. Over a period these dreams take a back seat.

People still dream as they grow may be of different kind; but they start doubting their ability to live these dreams. Not all but most. If that was not the case there will be more enterprise in the world, economies will grow faster than one could imagine; because world is made up of individuals. An individual is the unit of society, a corporation or a school. So success of individuals drives the growth of the economies.

Of course there should be opportunities, right economic environment and likes; but people with strong enough reason find a way around these. Ricardo Semler made his company SEMCO grow year after year even in turbulent Brazilian economy.

World needs dreamers, poets, writers, designers; as a dream or thought is the beginning of reality. But we need more people who put their thoughts into action. Design of an architect does not get a real meaning until it is converted into a building by a builder or developer.

People give themselves and others all sorts of reasons that stop them from working towards their dreams. Sure people may have genuine reasons for not doing anything but in most cases these are just excuses that can be taken care of.

Let us look at what these excuses or reasons are and also explore some ideas to work around these challenges.

Lack of time

If you cite lack of time as a reason for not doing something then do less of all or some of these and you will get time. Watch less TV; do less email, less gossip, less facebook or whatever your favorite online activity is.

Lack of money

Skills, passion, showing up are more important than money. Even if lack of money is your reason you can make up for that with creativity. If you need to hire talented people to help you in your dream project; give them stake in place of a salary.

If you are absolutely sure that money is stopping you from doing something then find ways to save money or get funding. There are many finer sides to it but basic of saving money is — to spend less than you are earning.

Not the right time

Maybe you think that you are too young or too old to start something. Colonel Sanders starting KFC well past 50. Rajesh Setty became a published author at 16.

Want to travel the world. Why wait till you are too old to travel and enjoy — do it now. Better take a short course in travel writing and try your hand at it while you travel. That is a way to get your passion to pay for your life. Try similar things for your own area of interest.

Young age or lack of experience is no longer a deterrent to start something. That may have been the case in 20th century or earlier but not anymore. Across the world there is a large group of teenagers who are self made millionaires — sure not millions of them but there are many to give you proof that young age or lack of experience cannot stop you from accomplishing something really big.

Now is the right time for anything that you want to do. For all reasons think through your ideas and plans but they will become a reality only when you act on them. If starting up is your dream then no point waiting till eternity. Today it is easier to start up than ever without any money.

Lack of motivation

People lack desire and motivation when they do not know their reason. Find your reason. Take time to think about your life’s purpose. Find and do work that will help you fulfill your life’s purpose and you will move closer to your dreams.

Stop cribbing and do not reason away from your dreams. Start acting and give wings to your dreams.

Is there is anything else that has been stopping you from living your dreams? What are you doing about it?

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