Archive for the year 2022
The whole day, day after day, we write and read stuff as professionals.
Inside our inboxes, on the web, some out of curiosity, and some out of compulsion.
Making sure that people read what we write and not be bored…
A lot of people want to be
professional creators. But they don’t have a clear path to follow.
If you want to be a creator and keep it simple, focus on these five things.
1. Create. Without creating, nothing…
Don’t talk directly about your competitors.
Instead, acknowledge competition by telling your customers why they should choose you over your competitors.
It works because most brands show as if they are the only ones in the market.
At least they…
It tells you a lot of things.
It tells you whether what you eating or thinking serves you well. If there is pain that means, your body needs more fresh food and less junk. And before the pain becomes chronic…
Record yourself talking about a topic you want to write about.
Use apps like to automatically transcribe while you talk.
To make it efficient, you can go for a walk and record.
If you are a marketer and do…
The good news is that we can learn it.
The following are at the core of managing expectations:
Anticipating what can go wrong or issues that can come up,Bringing them up or addressing them ahead of time,Communicating what can be…
Information overload is real.
There is so much knowledge that it becomes a distraction.
So many books to read.
So many articles to scan.
Countless videos to watch.
Hundreds of newsletters to digest.
And on top of that, there are…
1. Do something that will build your reputation and pull the right customers to you. The most brilliant way to do this is to share your knowledge on a platform where your potential customers hang out or do it via…
Everyone makes mistakes, but a founder’s life can be easy if they avoid the following mistakes.
Mindset Mistakes
1. Trying to do everything yourself.
People Mistakes
2. Not making hiring your focus.
3. Hiring the first person who comes along…
One of the reasons Slack was sold to Salesforce in Dec 2020 was because Teams was racing past it.
Team daily active users grew to 145m in 2021.
Slack has more integrations, a better bot, and slightly better usability. On…
They are fast decision-makers.They show up every day.They respond quickly and don’t like it if someone waits for their response. By doing this, they help others do their work.They can fix things quickly when things break, and they do break…
Decide what matters.
Divide it across tasks you have to complete.
Choose when to do it.
Choose where you’ll do it.
Assess the time you have.
Prioritize your tasks and stack them in the available time.
Start with the task…
We are often scared to take the first step fearing whether it will lead to the goal we are seeking.
We don’t need to fear because the first step does not decide your end game.
With it, you just tell…
Nobody likes to be in pain.
But we can’t say that we’ll never be in pain in life.
It’s like pleasure, one of the significant realities of life.
But pain doesn’t come without lessons, and it serves a purpose.
To feel confident, just do what you resolve to do.
Do that every day to build on the previous day’s success and confidence.
Start with small tasks, and move to bigger ones.
Increase the difficulty often.
Ok, to fail at…
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