A-Z (almost!) of What to Post on Social Media?

Many readers of this blog are startup founders and top consultants in their niche. Several non-enterprise clients are also part of this same tribe.

Almost all of them know that it is important to be present and active on social media because their community hangs out there.

But they don’t do it because they don’t know what to post there.

It is not as difficult as it looks. 

I have shared some ideas below.

What to Post on Social Media

Answer a question.

Break the news,

Coin a term.

Declare your aspirations.

Describe a place that you traveled to.


Encourage others to do something that they have been wanting to do for a long time.

Fight for what you believe in.

Give a sneak peek into what you’re building, 

Highlight good work that is done by someone else


Impart knowledge.

Join two unrelated ideas.

Kickstart a new project.

Let your connections know something new, 

Make people aware of something they have been missing.

Narrate an incident.

Organize an online discussion.

Proclaim victory.

Quash an idea that you don’t agree with.

Report on new findings.

Share your struggles.

Show what you are doing.

Start a trend.

Say what is on your mind, 

Stand up for something, 

Spin old concepts for the new audience.

Tell your story.

Talk about your fears.

Use 100 words to summarize an important story.

Urge people to take action.

Verbalize what others can’t say.

Voice your opinions.

Weave a tale.

Write about what you are learning.

So, there you have simple ideas on what to write on social media.

I hope you are able to use some of these.


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