5 Tips for Running Client-Facing Businesses


Short-term clients may pay you for output. 

But long-term clients will always pay you for value. 

So to attract long-term clients, always focus on creating value.


To improve your client win rate, increase the speed of ROI for your client.

So for SEO, you may show results in 6 months.

But someone selling paid acquisition can show results in 6 days or sooner.

Who do you think will sell more?

Obviously, the one selling paid acquisition.


Money discussions are best done in person when negotiating or pitching a new deal.

The same is true for sharing plans.

The best thing to do is combine both of these.

Present a plan on Zoom or in person and, in the end, quote the price.


Always charge for advice.

Because then clients value your advice more.

Start a client relationship with a paid plan or strategy.

This saves you time that may be wasted in documenting free advice.

The client is invested in the relationship and will tell you what they want.


If compounding is the 8th wonder, price anchoring is the 9th.

To anchor the price, give your clients 2 options.

One you want to sell on and another higher.

This saves you from comparison with a lower-price alternative.

Because now comparison will be between your 2 options.

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