Your article in draft does not mean anything.
10 projects that you started in last 4 years – and did not finish – do not mean anything.
All those promises that you made – but did not keep – don’t matter.
All those dreams that you did nothing about – don’t matter.

The article that you submitted for the world to see matters.
The small website that you made on the weekend and small actions you are taking everyday to make it big – matter big time.
The promise you kept to call your friend back – even when you came home late and were tired – is sincere, shows that you care – and it matters for sure.
The vacation you took to a dream destination, the first chapter that you wrote to fulfill your dream of becoming a writer, that course you took to help you move towards your dream of becoming the VP/CEO of your company. They all matter.
What matters is – action and work that you have to show for all your wild dreams and brave ideas.
Pick your battles and finish them. Then only you have the right to call yourself a warrior.
Until you do that – you are just a cheap wannabe. I was one once – and it did not feel good to be one.