Problem with Free Time and Extra Money!

When you have extra money or free time, you tend to value it less than when you have less of it.

It is driven by psychology and needs discipline to tackle it.

This is true for a wannabe entrepreneur who has still not found her muse or the employee who has a cushy job or who is on bench (without a project, this happens a lot in big software companies). This is also true for the student Β  who has lots of time during holidays.

The success is created in such times. These are your moments of doing the extra bit that will get you closer to your dreams.

Key is to value your time (and money) in these situations and work as if you have less of these.

(For ideas on how to use time well, check β€” best use of time.)

When you have moments like these, get busy finding your muse. Find it through work and not through daydreaming. Work more than you think. Set aside time for thinking but work when you can.

When you will be actually working you will have less time to think about more ways of spending money.

If you want to market your start up then think about no money marketing ideas before you come up with a money-driven marketing plan.

Stop trying. Talk yourself out of it. You are trying when you are thinking that I am still young or I can afford to loose this money.

Make it real.

Work as if you have a real shot at whatever you are working at. Work as if you only have 3 months to prove yourself; or you can’t afford to loose your money. See it as your make or break act.

This is not a prescription for everyone. It is for those who want more out of their lives. If you are happy being the slacker and getting your pay or happy working on small projects then ignore what I just told you.

But if you think that big is powerful and you think that you can create billions through disruption then this is for you.

Now make a choice and if it is for you, go do it.

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  1. Ranjan Jha

    Yeah, it’s true, it should be a prescription for everyone. It is great to notice through your these two points;

    1. The success is created in such times. These are your moments of doing the extra bit that will get you closer to your dreams.

    2. If you want to market your start up then think about no money marketing ideas before you come up with a money-driven marketing plan.

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