I was lurking in a mastermind group earlier today when a group member shared that she had been down with ‘the virus’ for the past 12 days, and as soon as she felt better she received a DM on Instagram who eventually bought from her.
Just because she has built a presence on Instagram and YouTube and she publishes strategic content there.
When you do it right, after a while, strategic content stops demanding your presence and starts giving you leads and new business.
This brings me to another discussion I was having with a startup. They are feeling the squeeze. I told them what I tell anyone – use the current times as learning and build assets that will give even when you are not working and where you are not dependent on a single person and a bunch of customers.
Work backward to build your content assets.
Instead of creating a content asset (a website, YouTube channel or Instagram handle) and then creating product / find buyers – think of a product and build your content asset around it.
YouTube and Instagram are working great right now. But don’t forget the good old website. Which platform you choose, create stand out content. Go fast, and invest all the time you can on your own asset so that it starts working for you soon, and you don’t feel the heat in case of an extraordinary economic event like the current one.