The Not So Messy Middle

Nepali climber  Nirmal Purja Magar‘s  post on Instagram, of the crowds attempting to reach the summit. It shows the overcrowding on the mountain.

More and more people are summiting Mount Everest every year.

802 people did it in 2018.

And not everyone who attempts, completes the summit. That means even after years of preparation and shelling out anywhere between $30,000 to $100,000 there is no guarantee that you’ll summit.

I don’t like mountains a lot but even if I did I won’t stand in line for hours to wait for my turn to summit. Traffic jams are not fun even when they are on top of the world’s tallest mountain.

Is it really so much fun standing atop the world’s tallest mountain?

I don’t think so. I prefer a place 1000 or 2000 meters below the top where there is more room and I can really revel in the majestic beauty of nature. More so because once we reach the top of a mountain we don’t stay there. We summit and then we look forward to come back to our cosy tent or homes. 

What if we found a comfortable middle with good views, and a place where we can stay longer.

The point is that it is wise to think about your goals in the light of why they matter to you and what will change after you achieve those goals.

Want more clarity? Ask people who have achieved what you are after – how has their life changed after they achieved what is now your goal. And use those answers to guide your pursuits.

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