We experience nature’s lessons every day.
Like day and night.
And some that come a few times a year, like seasons.
Some days are long and some sort. Same for night.
Like that, we have good times and challenging times.
Each season brings some new things with it, and some changes. Like the autumn colors when green leaves of many trees and shrubs take on different shades of orange, red, yellow, purple, and brown.
Like that we have phases in our life: infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood, maturity, and old age.
Seasons change, one after another and the cycle continues, without fail.
And in life the ultimate cycle is of life and death.
Through these changes, every constituent of nature, performs their duty as they should.
In these changes, there are lessons for us.
Of understanding what our duty, what our role, what our ‘dharma’ is and then live through different cycles of life through acceptance and gratitude.
What has nature taught you?