How To Increase Your Email Open Rates by 5–15% in 5 Minutes or Less

To do it, resend your emails to those who didn’t open your emails when you sent them first.

This quickly increases your email open rates by 8-20 percent or more.

This is huge for someone with a large list.

I saw good value with this approach on my email list of 11,000+ subscribers.

If you run a consumer brand with millions of subscribers, the impact will be even more significant.

How and why does this work?

Your subscribers may be busy, and they would not have seen your email newsletter, or it may have remained buried under other emails.

So, resend to those who didn’t see your emails the first time.

Some email software providers have this as an in-built feature.

With others, you’ll manually need to create segments consisting of those who opened and then filter them out from the email broadcast you’ll send.

See how this impacted one of the previous issues of the marketing memo newsletter that I send out every week.

I sent this email to a segment of 4k+ subscribers. I chose this segment based on how they engaged with my emails in the past.

By resending it to those who didn’t engage the first time, I increased the open rate by 9 percent.

Use it in your campaigns and see your open rates grow.

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