Run Sprints to Grow Your Business

So in addition to what you do day in and day out, make a 12-months plan to grow your business.

Include 2-6 week sprints, in this 12-month plan, with a 2-weeks gap between each sprint.

Include what is important for your business.

If your business is already selling, focus on building a brand.

If you’ve got funds and still no product, then run sprints for building the product.

If there is no money coming in, focus on sales.

Here is a plan for running sales-focused sprints.

Start with a 2-week sprint for lead generation followed by a 4-week sprint to convert those leads into sales. Consider this as a 6-week sprint.

Take a 2 weeks break and repeat until you win with sales and have a repeatable system in place.

Keep a sprint in between for hiring because you’ll need people to deliver and support what you sold.

Once your sales system is in place, run sprints around audience and community building, brand building, systems and process, financial efficiency, and more. 

Always keep hiring sprints in between because you always need people to grow a business and also to support the business growth that these sprints will create in your business.

Happy sprinting and growing!

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