Importance of a Good Mentor – Someone to Hold You Hands.

This is Post No. 21 (last post) in  How to Start a Business  Series.

(This is last in series for a reason. I want you to experience building a business first without a mentor. This will tell you what areas you need guidance in. With this knowledge you will look in right direction and ask right questions.)

Good mentor can make a world of difference to your success and growth.

Here Is How a Good Mentor Can Help You?

  • A good mentor can change the trajectory of your startup and help you put in a league apart. Of course you need to play your part and do what it takes to find success.
  • A good mentor is invested in your success and guides you from planning to launch to growth to consolidation. These phases may appear here in a single sentence. In real life, they may be spread over many months and years.
  • A good mentor can be your sounding board.

Qualities of a Good Mentor.

  • Clear thinking
  • Ability to visualize future
  • Experience (in same industry)
  • Likes you and your idea
  • Listens to you
  • Holds your hand and helps you sail through
  • Reservoir of knowledge
  • Does not hold anything back and shares everything with you. You also should not hold back info and share all that you know.
  • Provides constructive feedback
  • Is not afraid to tell where you went wrong
  • Has good connections and network
  • Is admired by people in industry

Now go ahead and find yourself a good mentor.

Action for the week: Take next 7 days to list down your challenge and then identify people who you think can help you. Now reach out to them.

PS: This is not an end. It is a new beginning. To your success 🙂


  1. Pingback: 19 Point Guide to Happiness and Success. | Mohit

  2. Pingback: Keep These Two Things In Mind When Looking For A Mentor - Mohit

  3. Pingback: Never Take Advice From These People - Mohit

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