Archive for the category Productivity

Shut-off, why not?

In this world running at a breakneck speed it is important to stop and take breaks otherwise you know what will happen? Somebody will break a neck. Let us discuss why and how to shut off; and also touch upon…

Information is Like Food

Dieting is a new age phenomenon. Because there is too much food around for most of us we need to abstain from certain types of food and also keep an eye on quantity. Information is no different because there is too much of it around, we need to follow a diet. Here are some idea to get started with an 'information diet'.

Importance of space

We all live. Work encompasses a great part of our lives. We live and work in spaces — home, office, factories, workshops, studios, cottages, villas. Space in itself is nothing. It is beautiful because when our eyes look at it…

New Work Essentials

21st century worker carries gadgets (laptops, mobile phones), printed documents, books, toiletries, keys, wallets to work. Some carry lunch, eatables and an overnight traveler. Most of these are essentials. One cannot imagine going to work without these. Then there…

50 tips for happy entrepreneurs

Most of us pursue success which is a worthwhile cause. Better if success is achieved with your happiness intact. This is possible. You may be aware of some of the ideas below. Use the ones that resonate with you and…

How to accomplish big things?

There is a conversation in the movie “Die another Day” where James Bond (Pierce Brosnan) tells Gustav Graves (Toby Stephens), main antagonist in the movie – “You don’t chase dreams, you live them”. There is value in this dialogue. If…

Stop for a moment

This post is dedicated to all my workaholic friends who work like there is no tomorrow. There may be no tomorrow but chances are there will be one. Even if there was no tomorrow that may be your reason to…

Personal Review

Companies do reviews to assess and improve. Why can’t individuals do the same and improve? This case has been made earlier also. The idea now is to bring some structure to it. For some people a structured life is boring.…

Confused? Try this.

There are times when people get confused. In today’s world of information overload, plenty of options, lack of resources (time or money or both); lack of understanding of the topic on hand and rush for doing more in less time…

Will you recommend yourself?

Of course, most will reply. This is a human thing. People love themselves the most. Later comes life partner, kids anybody else. Let us be more specific. Think of a business situation — will you hire and work with a…

Just do it!

Are you those thinking types? No offense meant but many people in this world think a lot and act little. Such people need to get to into their action shoes sometime soon. You deserve a life of your dreams and…

From 24×7 to 4×4

4×4 is a premise that world can use and have fun. Since advent of internet we slowly started moving towards a 24×7 lifestyle. I sometime feel if human beings could somehow manage without sleep they would not even care to…

Best use of time

Time is something which never comes back. Every moment that passes by is a lost moment. There is no need to panic though; we are also given an opportunity to spend these moments wisely. Do you ever think about the…