Archive for the category Growth

Next Time!

Next time when you; – Log on to Twitter or Facebook to add to or consume what your friends have been up to – Engage in mindless gossip – Waste time thinking about your goals, projects rather than doing something…

Interview with James Altucher

James Altucher is a friend and blogger whose posts I look forward to. His writing inspires one to introspect, improve and get into action right away. James is a veteran of financial media. He is also a Yoga enthusiast like…

5-minute thinking excercise

The idea is to be mindful of our actions and be able to make an impact on a daily basis. At the end of the day, keep aside 5 minutes and think; Did you wake up excited, looking forward to…

Are you having fun?

Are you having fun today? Why I am asking this? Because it is important to be excited to get up every day and work on making a difference. Start with making a difference to your own lives and then, if…


Business needs nurturing. Relationships need nurturing. Projects need nurturing. Talent needs nurturing. Your personal brand needs nurturing. Your social media presence needs nurturing. Good habits need nurturing Nurturing; Happens one day at a time. It cannot be hurried, even if…

What to do after you exchange cards?

First step should be to record the information into a system that you trust and are comfortable using. It should be easy to access, review and update information. Record email, phone, website/blog (if there is one), a small note on…

Are you a pro?

If  you want to stand apart in your field of choice — business, entertainment, technology, education or anything else; you need to conduct yourself as a pro (professional) and not as an amateur. A pro is someone who; is ready…

It is ok!

1. If you did not have a great year — because there is another one coming which you can look forward to and during which you can work on finding success. 2. If you were not born with a silver