If you are looking to get good at anything fast it makes sense to know the micro-skills you need to do it well and then be good at all micro-skills. This way you will ensure success.
We choose one thing over another all the time.
Sleep over work or work over sleep
Junk over wholesome
Pleasure over happiness
Instant over longterm
The list goes on.
One of the most important choices we make is choosing what…
We have grown up living in a world that tells us to be slow and steady. This essay argues that this is not the best approach if you are after big goals or if you are trying to transform yourself.
Every year I choose 5 words for focus and clarity.
My 5 words for 2013 are
(Be) strong, learn, laugh, give, and do.
–> IMPORTANT: This post is as much about me as it is …
Eight months of year 2011 are already behind us.
Four more to go before we enter a new year.
Many of us started the new year with plans, hopes of making it big, thoughts of giving the best to the…
James Altucher is a friend and blogger whose posts I look forward to. His writing inspires one to introspect, improve and get into action right away. James is a veteran of financial media. He is also a Yoga enthusiast like…
This post is no. 3 in 7-post how to make an impact series.
Want to be more efficient, work on basics. Leave complex and embrace simple.
Simple may not always be easy but it is easier to believe in…
This post is no. 1 in 7-post how to make an impact series.
Life is too short to waste living like a zombie.
It is in our hands to make the best of our lives, if we make…
Maya started her day as always. She woke up, went through the morning routine, ate breakfast — toast and a cup of tea; wore a black top, a black and white striped skirt; hopped on to the company bus and…
Nothing is perfect.
There is no perfect marketing plan, no perfect start up. There is (rarely) a dream debut; that is why it is called (dream) debut.
To break in a new field you may need to make a less…
Dieting is a new age phenomenon. Because there is too much food around for most of us we need to abstain from certain types of food and also keep an eye on quantity.
Information is no different because there is too much of it around, we need to follow a diet.
Here are some idea to get started with an 'information diet'.
Businesses have projects to finish. Individuals have tasks to accomplish.
Developers need to make products. Scientists need to do research and help humanity.
The thought is simple, you think and act. Then why do so many projects miss deadlines. Professionals…
World is changing. Giving your best — is no longer enough. If you want to make a mark then you have to be among the best.
Some ideas to help you become the best;
Believe that you can be the …
There is a conversation in the movie “Die another Day” where James Bond (Pierce Brosnan) tells Gustav Graves (Toby Stephens), main antagonist in the movie – “You don’t chase dreams, you live them”.
There is value in this dialogue. If…
Companies do reviews to assess and improve.
Why can’t individuals do the same and improve? This case has been made earlier also. The idea now is to bring some structure to it. For some people a structured life is boring.…