Archive for the category Dreams

Living Your Dreams

Your skills, a solid plan, and consistent action with intensity is a sure shot way to find success and to live your dreams. Learn more in this article.

Steve Jobs Was An Asshole

Steve Jobs was a jerk but he was also a genius. When we think about him or any super achiever we need to think about both sides of the coin. We should also realize that all remarkable humans have flaws like us and we can become successful like them despite our flaws if we nurture our strengths into a superpower. We can then put that superpower to use and become remarkable ourselves.

Practical or Innocent?

How do you find big success? Can your simplicity be a predictor or the intensity with which you pursue something? I discuss it this post titled Practical or Innocent?

You Are The Product! Until…

Social media platforms take your attention and sell it to advertisers. You can put your attention to better use. This article discusses how you can do that and goes into detail about how platforms sell your attention.

Interview with James Altucher

James Altucher is a friend and blogger whose posts I look forward to. His writing inspires one to introspect, improve and get into action right away. James is a veteran of financial media. He is also a Yoga enthusiast like…

Future of education

Education currently adopts “one size fits all” approach. This needs to change. In current system, Individuals are built around education. In future education will be built around individuals. It will cater to individual needs first rather than being…

Less ideas, More action

I was talking to a friend recently. He is a person who becomes really excited about new ideas. His interest in a new idea starts at a peak and moves down fast. Today he is excited about one opportunity, tomorrow…

Power has shifted

During old times — really old times — there was a king. He had all the wealth, prestige, connections, opportunities and access to knowledge. His courtesans also had all these though less than the king. Merchants were also privileged but…


Business needs nurturing. Relationships need nurturing. Projects need nurturing. Talent needs nurturing. Your personal brand needs nurturing. Your social media presence needs nurturing. Good habits need nurturing Nurturing; Happens one day at a time. It cannot be hurried, even if…

It is ok!

1. If you did not have a great year — because there is another one coming which you can look forward to and during which you can work on finding success. 2. If you were not born with a silver

Test your limits

“The mind, once expanded to the dimensions of bigger ideas, never returns to its original size.” — Oliver Wendell Holmes Life has different meanings for different people. For some it is a mystery, for others it is a mean of…