How To Blow Up as a Creator on Any Platform in 2022?

I had people ask me how I could publish more than 1000 daily blog posts in a row.

They wonder if it is worth it.

As someone who has done it and enjoyed the fruits of this labor, I can say it is worth it.

If you want to be consistent and blow up as a creator on any platform here is how you should do it.

1. Find what you like and why you want to create

Ask yourself why you are doing it for money, fame, personal growth, staying relevant, building connections.

All reasons are fine. Now use your reason as your motivation to create.

Also, see what you like – Is it crafting words, making videos, or recording podcasts?

The best way to do it is to try doing it all and see what sticks. Great if you know it intuitively.

The next step is to just create.

2. Create 30 Pieces of Content

Commit to creating 30 pieces of content. Works the same even if you are not a content creator like if you make art or design stuff.

It helps you in two ways, you build discipline, and also find your voice, and as a side effect improve your craft. 

At this point assess what you are good at and what you need to improve. Get help in areas you need to improve, by getting a coach or investing in a course.

If you are not able to create, ask yourself what is hiding you back. Is it lack of time, lack of motivation, or lack of resources, like not having the proper gear for recording video or audio, and not knowing which tool to use, or not having a proper environment?

This brings us to the next step.

3. Ask your audience

You can’t make a career as a creator without any audience, so what you make should sit well with your audience, so ask them what they are liking about your content, what can you improve, and any other feedback they have.

Use this feedback to give more value to your audience and increase your engagement.

4. Learn from other creators

Follow and observe what is working for them.

Then use what you observe to elevate the standard or your creation.

Reach out to creators who are slightly ahead of you, and ask them how you should do it.

You’ll be surprised how many people will be willing to help you. Use their advice to move ahead fast.

5. Promote your work and make money as a creator

You’ll learn the most here.

You’ll also likely face challenges.

Keep learning, continue getting better, and get over any challenges you face.

You learn the most at this stage because the market tells you how they are valuing what you are creating.

Timing is key here. Do not try to do it too soon or too late. 

If you do it too soon, you’ll waste too much time and energy trying to sell something which does not have momentum yet. If you do it too late, you are wasting opportunities that are already there.

How do you know what the right time is? You can’t accurately predict it, you can just sense it. Try and start making money from what you do when at least one person every day comes to you and says that your cogent is helping you in one way or another. Another proxy for this is people asking your questions.

Follow this and at the same time next year, you’ll be a different creator. Now, go, go, go!

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