From 24×7 to 4×4

4×4 is a premise that world can use and have fun. Since advent of internet we slowly started moving towards a 24×7 lifestyle. I sometime feel if human beings could somehow manage without sleep they would not even care to…

Best use of time

Time is something which never comes back. Every moment that passes by is a lost moment. There is no need to panic though; we are also given an opportunity to spend these moments wisely. Do you ever think about the…

How to live life to the fullest

Sure all of us live. We get up in the morning, go through morning routine, get ready, eat breakfast, get to work, give orders, take orders, do internet, mobile phone, email, facebook, chat, gossip, eat lunch while staring at computer…

Friends and Happiness

This post is dedicated to friendship and the joy it brings into one’s life. Life passes through many stages. We come into this world knowing nothing about it. Initially mother is a human being’s window to the world. During early…

13 tips on organizing a TEDx event

TEDxGurgaon is done and over now. It brought together interesting people from all walks of life. Just reflecting on what makes an event like TEDx successful. The idea is to help people across the world, working on their TEDx events.…

Looking Ahead & Reflections

2010 has started on a great note. Just reflecting on the years that have gone by. 2005 was the year of opportunity, making connections, gaining new ground, getting help and growing. 2006 was the year of coming back to roots.…

Ready to be an entrepreneur?

Readers may notice the question mark in the title. Some may find it strange; but truth sometimes is strange. The truth is that you must first ask yourself some tough questions before you jump on the entrepreneurial bandwagon. You need…

Facebook Opens Its Gates For All

Facebook, till recently school-only social networking service,has opened its gates for all. As per Facebook blog now anyone with an email address can join. Still the college networks will need authentication. Others can join various regional and company networks. This…