Hyderabad gearing up for BarCamp No. 3

They say good times never last. Never mind if such times return fast enough. This has been the case for BarCamps at Hyderabad.

You heard (oops… read) it right. The BarCampHyderabad3 has been announced. This time folks are scheduled to camp at TCS, Hyderabad on November 4, 2006. The theme for the Camp is “Social Communities in Web2.0”.

Those of you who enjoy hanging out with geeks, sharing and learning new ideas; must go out and add your names to the wiki. Your role at the camp is to be picked by you. You may choose to speak, interact with fellow campers; volunteer to take responsibilities at the Camp or suggest and add topics to wiki that you would like to be discussed. You may do any or all of these. I am looking forward to see you there.

Folks at Bangalore are also gearing up for BarCampBangalore2. Arpit Agarwal and Kesava Reddy with ideas chipped in by Manish, Jace and Shreyas are getting ready for an early December event. Good luck guys!

With Foss.in scheduled during November 24-26, 2006 the last quarter of the year will be a time for tech-feasts; of course for those who like these types of cuisines.



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