Do you take time to ask yourself important questions?
Questions you can ask yourself today.
(This is as much for myself as this is for you. I indulge in such things from time to time. Give it a try. Decide after you read. Some of them are triggers more than they are questions.) Enjoy 🙂
- Am I I feeling good?
- Do I (really) know what makes me feel good?
- Do I take time everyday to indulge in this activity?
- Am I too  comfortable  in life? (Means I am not getting out of my comfort zone enough)
- Am I being good to those around?
- Am I being a better human?
- Am I doing the best I can?
- Am I doing it without  compromising  things that matter (health,  relationships, values)?
- Am I really stretched for resources or just being lazy and not applying my creative brains?
- Am I right in being angry with others – when just taking few deep breaths (and at times walking away) will make sure that there is no need for it?
- Am I finding time for myself?
- Am I loving myself enough?
- Am I on the right path?
- Am I being  judgmental?
- Am I looking at the means as if they are the end?
- Have I been generous enough today?
- Am I at peace with myself right now – this very moment?
- Am I too busy to take one or five deep breaths?
- Am I being kind to myself? Not too tough, not too harsh?
- Am I the (wo)man that I always wanted to be?
- Did I spend last week/month/year – life so far – like I wanted (should have)?
- (If not) Am I ready to change my ways?
- Am I doing everything possible to make it work?
- Do I know what success means to me?
- Do I know that to change the world – I need to change myself first. (And that may be the only thing I need to change).
- Do people feel happy when they meet me? (Question by Sushil Bharwani)
- Am I in a hurry, or am I too slow to move?
- Am I breaking rules enough, without breaking the hearts 😉
- Am I setting the right example?
- Have I given back?
- Do I give as much thought to designing my life as much as I gave to  designing  my living room? (or kind of thought that I give to which hairstyle this time?)
- Do I remember my roots? (You may or may not want to remember them – your choice, but it makes sense to have some ideas about your ground and your origins). Read this insightful New York Times article about family stories that bind us.
Now coming to the end – I feel these are too much to ask in one day.
So if you want to give it a shot – do so one by one. Pick one at a time, may be 3, 4 or 5 in day.
I also did not try them all at once and there are many more still to go. So be kind to yourself 🙂 and do what works for you.
Do you think there are more questions that one can ask (I am sure there are)? Â Add those in comments. Nature and I will thank you for your generosity.
Hey Mohit,
After reading your post this week I’ve been thinking about how every important change I’ve ever made started with a series of questions.
Self reflection is so important.
At the moment, the getting outside my comfort zone question has capture my attention.
Great NYT article…building stronger family connection and self resilient kids via story…love it! Will be sharing more family stories going forward.
Hi Sheila,
Reflection is good. I do not remember the exact words but some sage has said that all the knowledge that we need is inside us – we just need to look within.
Good luck with family stories 🙂 you can also write a memoir.
– mohit
Too many to think about and too little to say! But I loved the NYT article…and will take these questions later today and connect!
Thanks for sharing
Sure Jigyasa.
To make you think is the idea!
Mohit, One Question I think is really important – Do people really feel happy when they meet me?. I do feel happy to meet u always 🙂
Thanks for suggesting this Sushil.
I added it to questions in the post above.
Let us plan to meet soon and get in Happy mode again 🙂
– mohit
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Let me know if you’re interested in discussing further about it.
Hi Vibhor,
I wrote to you.
– mohit
What would you do if you’d not be afraid?
Good one Martini.
Really important question.
– mohit