My 5 words for 2011

5_wordsAt the end of every year I decide on a theme for next year.

This theme is based on reflections, feedback, review and intuition.

My theme for year 2011 is built around these 5 words – minimize, ship, love, act and help.

Sharing some details on how I plan to move ahead. Hope you find some actionable ideas.

1. Minimize

Minimize stuff and activities that keep me away from what is important.

As I work on reducing clutter from my life; I will either give away or sell stuff that I do not need any more or do not have any sentimental value.

Minimize activities with a low ROTI (Return of Time Invested).

Return on time can be different for different people. Money is a simple return that most people relate with. You invest time and get money in return — now or later. For me joy, genuine bonds, money and smile on a person’s face are worthwhile returns for my time.

Minimize info load

I love digital world and people who live in it. It is what enables the idea exchange between you and me.   It shatters boundaries and brings the world to us. But web and devices built around mobility also hampers our ability to focus.

We choose whether to get distracted on not. Late last year I made a choice not to be a slave to the constant onslaught of digital distraction.

I have already reduced most of the digital distraction before mid-day. For somebody who spends a considerable time digitally connected, this may not be easy; but I am working on it.

2. Ship

Ideas, products and anything that needs shipping.

“Jennie & Sam” is something that I plan to ship towards the end of January. It is an ebook that discusses career growth for Gen-Y in an increasing social world. It is a work in progress and any changes in shipping schedule or format, though unlikely, I will share with you.

3. Love

Most of us love a person close to them. It is a nobrainer. What I will strive during 2011 is selfless love for anybody I come across. I will try, whether I succeed or not is to be seen.

4. Act

I am a fairly action-oriented person; but as I look back there are still some ideas that did not see the light of the day, some starts that did not reach finish line; some potentially big ideas.

A good idea not acted upon is a waste of thinking time and energy. Sure, some ideas are better not worked upon but there are some that we believe in, these are ideas that we should act on.

For year 2011, I have zeroed on one idea for massive action and several ideas that will need comparatively smaller efforts. I will be working on these on a day to day basis. “Jennie & Sam” is one of those ideas and I am happy with what I have done with it so far.

5. Help

Human life is manifestation of love, luck, destiny and work; mine is no different. I look at my life as a gift and feel a deep sense of gratitude for people who have helped and continue to help in my journey. A natural consequence of this realization is an urge to help people. It is never too early to give back. I have been doing it in my own little way all along. I would just like to do it on a bigger scale.

I wish to help people build and run start-ups; help them realize their potential; give them hope and courage to live their dreams; and bring a smile to their faces.

I just shared with you what I plan to do in 2011. Why don’t you share your plan and resolve to do it the best you can do.

Best wishes!

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  1. Jigyasa

    So simple yet so difficult! I wish you the very best for your resolutions Mohit.

    And after reading this I realised…..I too need to minimize almost on every note which you have shared with us. MINIMIZE & Focus is eventually my Mantra 🙂

  2. Pingback: How to make maximum impact? - Mohit Pawar . com

  3. Pingback: My 5 words for 2012 | Mohit Pawar . com

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