Archive for the year 2020

No Homework Life

Raise your hand if you hated homework when you were in school. Who didn’t? And now we procatsiante because we have homework.

How can we still have homework? All grown up and when we were supposed to work 9-5, 5…

How to Go From Bad to Brilliant

Start with a bad idea. Make something bad based on this idea. Get inspired by something that is not bad. Now make something that is not as bad as what you made the first time. Decide whether you want to…

Networking at Scale

Creating content, where they are words, audio or videos is one of the best ways to network with like minded people. Because when you go past the initial period of ‘nobody cares but I still create” your people find you,…

A Simple Way to Start Your Side Hustle

Help someone with something you love doing. That’s how my book coaching business started. I loved writing and wanted to write a book. I continued exploring and learning more about it.

I used what I learned to write two books,…

Curse of Busy

Being busy is good, until it isn’t. Being busy is good because it keeps your mind off from evil things. And being busy helps when you are starting out, because we learn by doing. But once you have learned the…

First Eliminate

It is common to see people pursuing what they think they’ll like. What if you eliminated what you dislike and built your life around that? It is like cleaning your house and creating space before you bring anything new in.…

How to Fall in Love With What You Do?

Just change your relationship with what you do.

Stop looking at what you do, as something stressful. Something that you have to do. Instead start looking at it from the perspective of what it does for you. Think clearly and…