Archive for the year 2019

How To Go Big After Initial Success

A client in the UK specializes in growing cash flow and profitability for established businesses and has helped ventures doing up to £40 million in revenues.
Now, he wants to grow his venture, increase the scale of his impact, and…

Trinity of Success

I found this trinity in 3 different videos I watched today.
# Gratefulness
I was watching ScoopWhop’s Town Hall interview with Zoya Akhtar.
There the interviewer asked a question Zoya a question, “Does Ranveer Singh have Redbull in his veins…

Power Of Repeatable Templates

Designers create assets, workflows, and repeatable templates.
This allows them to deliver quality quickly at lower than the usual costs.
The benefits of repeatable templates are not limited to designers.
You can use writing templates as writers and reduce your…

Process Over Goals

Everyone who cares for growth cares for their goals.
I agree that goals, that is knowing where you want to go are important for progress.
But there is something else that is more important.
PROCESS or the series of actions…

Musings from a Time Poor World

Human life is about trade-offs.
Trade-offs were simple when our desires were small and we had lots of time on our hands.
But we now live in a world inhabited by time-poor people.
This is not an urban phenomenon, people…

Times Have Changed, Path To Success Has Not

Oscar Wilde, Irish playwright, novelist, and poet, passed away in 1900 in Paris completely bankrupt from paying legal fees for his arrest and imprisonment for the crime of homosexuality.
Vincent Van Gogh, the famed artist died in 1890 having sold…

Troubleshooting Human Life

Clearing your browser’s cache can take care of minor tech issues for your laptop.
If the problem persists, you reboot the device.
Then comes the remote troubleshooting where tech support tells you to press a combination of keys.
If that…

The Juggling Act

I am amazed whenever I watch an expert juggler, juggling different objects like balls, oranges and even stuff like flaming torches.
It is fascinating how they toss stuff into the air and catch it one after another while keeping one…

Habit Anchors

How do you continue taking action on what matters, where you are off-balance when there is chaos?
How do you make sure that you stay on course during such situations?
You lean on a habit anchor.
Like a sea anchor…

Why I Write

Have you asked yourself why you do what you do?
I asked myself why I write and here is the answer that I came up with.
I write because I want to. My writing on my blog does not make…