I have written two books, around 100,000 words each, 1500+ blog posts, and sent emails reaching millions of inboxes.
I wrote and published 1000 of 1500 blog posts in the last 1000 days.
Here is my not-so-sophisticated creation process that resulted in all this.
- I open a Google doc with a running list of ideas to write about. I always keep adding new ideas to it.
- From those ideas, I pick one that I feel like writing about.
- I start writing. The idea is to get thoughts out of my head first.
- If I cannot say anything useful on that topic, I drop it and pick another topic.
- At times during my daily reading and exploration, if I find interesting ideas I’d like to write about, I’ll write about them instead.
- At times the draft shapes to be quite organized for the first time itself, and there at times when it looks like a jumbled mess full of disorganized thoughts.
- I try to make it well-rounded by editing or deleting info in both cases.
- Then I run it through Google’s spell checker and Grammarly.
- I don’t accept all Grammarly suggestions, only the ones I think will make my writing tighter without changing the meaning of what I am saying.
- I then read the written draft aloud. Sometimes I do this late at night, so I skip the ‘readout aloud’ part and just read.
- This tells me about the part or parts that are not flowing well.
- I fix what needs to be fixed.
- And set it out to publish.
The above process works well for most posts on this blog.
For the long-form blogs, I invest more time in rewriting and editing.
The process remains the same for book projects. Except that the step #1 changes to outlining, and two extra steps are added before #1 above,
Step 1 – do an idea dump (putting everything I know on that topic into a doc.
Step 2 – researching and exploring more about topics I don’t know much about.
For book projects, #13 is not there, but there are two extra steps after #12, rewriting and editing. I can rewrite and edit more than once, depending on the quality of the draft I see after one round of rewriting and editing.
For my marketing-focused writing, I end up doing more research than usual.
So that is my writing process.
Let me know where you are on your journey and if you have any questions.