Webmail wars…. You are the ultimate winner.

gmail…. definitely has created a revolution of sorts. Imagine if it was not for gmail, we would have been struggling with our 10MB mailboxes. Both yahoo and hotmail users has benefitted immensely from it. I’m sure both the biggies are now on their toes to improve on their service. First to match up to gmail(Read: Google’s) standards and then probably to exceed it.

The heat is on, on the seach engine front also; where the same players are fighting for the supremacy in lucrative search market.

Presumably they all will survive and make profit but who makes the most is to be seen. Whoever wins the race, at the end of it all YOU (the Consumer) will emerge the king.


  1. Gabrielle

    Hey, thanks for your kind words on my blog. 🙂

    I’m not by any means good at techy stuff, but I just played around until my blogchalk think showed up. To do that you would access the Dashboard area of blogger (click on the little blogger icon on the top left corner of a blog), then click on change settings for the blog you want to modify, and then click on template. In my blog I put the blogchalk HTML under the footer section, if you can’t figure it out look at some HTML websites for more ideas, I don’t know enough to directly describe where to put it. 🙂

    Hope this helped! Good luck. 🙂

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