5-minute thinking excercise

The idea is to be mindful of our actions and be able to make an impact on a daily basis.

At the end of the day, keep aside 5 minutes and think;

  1. Did you wake up excited, looking forward to the day ahead?
  2. How did you spend the first two hours of the day [email, thinking, working on a project, meeting your team or something else, list everything]?
  3. Did you have some control on how your day shaped up?
  4. Did you feel satisfied with what you accomplished work wise?
  5. Were you able to break from your work day and get into watering the plant of your relationships or be with your friends and family?
  6. Did you bring your work home?
  7. How did you spend your evening?
  8. How many people did you interact with today (write in person, also whether over phone or email)?
  9. Did you have a plan for the day or you went with the flow?
  10. Did you finish what you planned to finish for the day?
  11. Are you satisfied with the way your life is shaping up? (Big question but better if you answer this question now!)

If you really want to do it then take a print out now and sit down later with a pen to write your thought next to each point.

Over next few days I will share ideas on how we can do meaningful work and make our lives and of those around better.

Are you already thinking about it or moving ahead in this direction?


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