The More Shots We Take, the Higher the Chances We’ll Succeed

Creator: Press publish often. Ideally daily. There are countless examples of people who built successful creator careers by doing this.

Small business owner: Send out more pitches. I did this early in my journey as a month-long experiment, opening many doors and resulting in immense growth for my business.

Course creator or consultant: Create more offers.

Anyone who wants to build a strong network: Meet new people every day or as often as you can.

Looking to get fit: Move your body multiple times a day. I did this over several years, lost weight, built muscles, and got into the best shape of my life. 

For better relationships: Spend quality time where you are mentally present with those who matter regularly.

Writer: Write every day and publish often. That’s how I went from someone who could not comprehend what was written inside a book my Dad gifted me to 2 times published author.

Public speaker/performer: Get in front of a live audience as often as possible. By doing this, Tristan De Montebello went from near-zero experience to competing in the World Championship of Public Speaking final in under seven months.

Commit to deliberate practice and getting 1% better daily to ensure improvement and growth. 

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