There are bloggers and there is Robert Scoble, the man who I think did a lot more good than all PR experts put together to the image of the Giant of Redmond. He is leaving Microsoft to join Scoble, interestingly, in his early days was a Mac Evangelist.
Scoble one of 3000 odd bloggers at Microsoft enjoys an unmatched following thanks to his plain-speak and honesty. Though one of his fellow bloggers Niall Kennedy also has a good brand but not to match that of Scoble’s. Niall now is supposed to fill the shoes of Scoble at Microsoft.
(Image Courtesy:
Scoble shared this information with the readers.
“This is a rapidly-evolving part of my life. I just made this decision and it got out before I was completely ready to talk about it. – Robert”
He maintained high regard for the company he worked for three years.
“First, I love Microsoft and Microsoft did not lose me — at least as a supporter and friend. I am not throwing away my Tablet PC or my Xbox or my other Microsoft stuff.
But do not forget that Robert has been at it for almost 6 years now. Before these opportunities cam his way he worked his butt in regular jobs that most of the living (human) being do.
Agreed it is hard work. But hard work pays most of the times with a little bit of smart thinking sprinkled over it. It doesn’t matter whether you are doing a start-up or in a job or you are a student giving a vent to your thoughts and working what you are passionate about will never hurt. Who knows what opportunity it will bring to your doorstep?
– What Robert was up to in February 2001
And recently;
– Robert says Hello to the world
– Robert moving to