Selling Professional Services? Introduce a Diagnostic Product As Your Entry-Level Offer

If you run a professional services firm that sells high ticket retainers (mid to high 4-figures)

always offer a paid diagnostic product as your entry-level offer.

Price this diagnostic product at 4-figures.

It allows you to look deeply into a client’s business and offer high-value recommendations. Then, towards the end of the diagnostic report, mention some options about how you can help. That’s your pitch.

It wins your client’s trust and gives you a clear path to what to do when you get in and avoid the costly time suck of free proposals and discovery. 

It’s a win-win for you and the client because it is impossible to do the exploration needed for high-quality recommendations for free. So through the paid exploration, you can share your best thoughts. Then, if you are any good, the client finds someone who can help them with their goals, putting an end to their search. Now, they can focus on running and growing their business.

It took me some time to perfect it. But, early days, I saw a 25% win rate.

But my conversion rate (diagnostic ? retainer) with this approach has been 100% for the past four years.

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