Your non-negotiables, what you do no matter what, define who you’ll become.
Here is a list of non-negotiables that you can make part of your life – depending on where you want to reach.
- No work past 3pm/5pm/8m/10pm.
- Morning/evening walk.
- No white sugar.
- Setting up next day’s to-dos before closing a day’s work.
- Journaling.
- Sleeping 7+/8+ hours
- 5/10/20/30 minutes of self-care (massage, music, etc)
- No consuming (content), before creating
- No mobile phones after 9/10/11pm
- Talking with loved ones.
Here are my daily non-negotiables.
- Spending some time under sun
- Workout
- Publishing a blog post (for past 900+ days)
- Eating without devices
- Meditation
Find yours and get closer to the life you want to live.
What will you add to the list I have shared above?