Girl waiting for the bus
Do not wait..
To get the big break.
To find the ideal business opportunity.
To get your dream job.
To meet the man or woman of your dreams.
Take chances, listen to your heart, trust your gut and jump.
When you do that – you open yourself to surprises. Almost certainly, some unpleasant ones too.
But do you want to die wondering what lies beyond that mountain and never go on top to find and see A Brave New World.
Be bold for once, and once again and once more – and your life will not be same again.
You will meet a new you – which you never thought – existed.
No more waiting.
Now is the time.
Today is the best day.
When you need help, it will come.
You just need to ask for it – with all your heart.
Ask, because nobody did it alone.
There will be rare times, when you will need help – and (in your eyes) it won’t come.
But this is nature’s way of letting you help yourself.
Are you still waiting?
Hey Mohit,
Great call to action. Here’s to no more waiting to create dreams and live on purpose!
Absolutely Sheila 🙂 Thanks.
Truly, Life is good when in action..!
Like they say, Life is calling…where are you?
Well said Jigyasa.
So the answer is “Here I am.”