The Most Valuable Skill in Digital Economy

There are a lot of skills that are valuable in this economy.

Coding, creating videos, and video editing.

But I believe copywriting is the most valuable skill in the digital economy.

Copywriting is using words to convey emotions, facts, telling stories, etc., to hook others and get them to take action if that is what you want.

Words can become audio, video, or image, but words are the core. The video editor can’t do much if the core is weak.

There is value in programming not sure if it is the most potent skill given with no code, one can do so much. And, it will become better than it is now. 

Math and logic may be more powerful because logic is what drives code.

For me, words/communication/copywriting are at the top of the heap. 

One can be like a superwoman/man if one builds a stack of 2-3 core skills where one of those skills is related to words and communication.

A writer who can talk well on video or someone who can program/code what they have in mind is powerful.

So do whatever you do but learn to communicate your value through words in whichever is the prevalent form and build a tribe and buzz around your work in a superpower.

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