Adding a Marketing Layer to Your Career

Do you want to become good at marketing to grow your business?

Or do you want to market yourself?

If yes, then the plan I have shared below is all you need.

You can use it to enhance your career prospects or add a marketing lever to your business.

The plan itself won’t unleash the magic, but if you add action, get some guidance, and apply yourself on a consistent basis, soon you’ll start to stand out.

Here is a 90-day plan that you can tweak

(Do in this order)

Day 0

Write a letter to your future self. Write as if you have achieved all that you want to in the next 90 days.

Day 1-30

  • Write your life story in 1-3 pages from as early as you can remember till today. [Day 1]. If you can’t write it all at first, then write an outline. 1-5 bullet points for each year of your life so far. Whatever you write, send it to me later this week to help you finalize it.
  • Schedule time in your calendar how long and when you’ll work on this effort [Week 1]
  • Buy the domain or you can create an account on and buy it. [Day 1]
  • Read Story Brand by Donald Miller (order today and start reading once it arrives)
  • Share the list of 100 people you admire and why (2nd half of this 30 day period)

Day 31-60

  • Read Buyology by Martin Lindstrom (1st half of this 30 day period)
  • Write a note on what you learned from this book. (2nd half of this 30 day period)

Day 61-90

  • Kickstart a project, to home your marketing that you will work on for the next 100 days. 
  • Creating a marketing plan for this project
  • Start working on this project.

Do not be overwhelmed by the 90 days plan and all that I have listed there. This is to give you an overview. 

And, this is not the end but the beginning of a new journey.

More you ask questions and share your learnings with the world because documenting what you are doing and sharing is a surefire way of building a community.

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