How To Launch a Business-Transforming Book in the Next 12 Months

Writing a business book is a surefire strategy to establish your brand in the minds of your target audience.

I used it and wrote a book that transformed my brand, opened many new doors, and created hard cash for my business.

Here is a 1-year plan if you want to replicate it. [The book you’ll write using this process will help you write a manifesto (100-120 pages) instead of a long book (200+ pages).

Month 1-4

  • Identify 25-100 people who have a social following consisting of your target audience 
  • Identify shows/podcasts where listeners are your ideal audience.
  • Build a relationship with both of the above over social media
  • Interview them for the book (we are doing it because we want them to talk about the book to their audience)
  • Start building a social media audience from day zero by sharing engaging content from day one.

Month 5-8

  • Book Writing and Pre-Publishing (Including edits incorporating feedback from beta readers)
  • Continue building your social media presence 
  • Ask the growth partners above (podcast hosts/social media connections with a large following) for help getting the word about your upcoming book.

Month 9-12

  • Book Production, Publishing, and Launch
  • Kickstart Promotions with an Interview Tour
  • Continue building your social media presence and promote your book there as well.

This is a simplified plan; doing different steps will take energy, time, and focus.

Let me know if you have any questions about the above action items.

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