How to Increase Website Traffic For A New Website or Ecommerce Store and grow it to 100,000 visitors in a Year.

Why 100,000 visitors?

Because this allows you to build a legit business, one with revenues to support a solo founder or an expert in any topic.

For an ecommerce store also it will result in decent sales, and allow the store owner to invest in growing it further.

Before I get to tactical stuff, let me discuss one thing that can make or break your efforts. This one thing is the mindset.

You Need To Start With The Right Mindset

This is the big one. You need a growth mindset that is not fixated on one thing or one path. One that also avoids another extreme of trying to do and ace everything and spreading yourself too thin. I was in the same boat years ago wanting to be omnipresent and didn’t have anything to show for the scanty efforts on multiple fronts for several years. It wasn’t until I took the time to understand my strengths, and focused on 2-3 big goals in a year, I saw results.

For example, in 2015 I published my book on digital marketing, which gave an instant boost to my credibility and resulted in the lucrative consulting pipeline for years to come, and it played a part in getting me invited by the leading government and corporate bodies to speak to large audiences. 2016, using the leverage created by the book to grow the agency and consulting side of the business focused on startups and personal brands for three-fold revenue growth in a little over a year. 2017 through 2018 was a lead up to becoming one of the 10 global evangelists for LinkedIn and advising the C-Suite at global enterprise brands. And, it goes on.

I won’t sugar coat it. Some experiments and growth experiments fail. The key is to not get deterred by them and keep moving as per plan.

Also, know that growth is proportionate to the resources you deploy. It is not logical to expect the same result by deploying $5,000 for running online ads in a year, that the other brand got by investing $100,000.

With the mind in the right space. You can move to the tactical stuff.

Here Is How You Can Go About Increasing The Traffic

This advice will work for a site that has some traction or even for a nascent site with no traffic and visibility.

My recommendation is to go for a ratio of 40:30:30 to build traffic to your site. 40% by way of organic traffic, 30% by way of Content Multiplication and Distribution, and 30% by running paid ads.

SEO for Organic Traffic

  • Take 45-60 days (parallel to content creation) to complete a technical audit and implement all recommendations on the site to build a solid SEO foundation.
  • Take 3 months for building a content foundation, and also to have at least 3 long-form content assets ready as a showcase at the time of outreach for link building.
  • Invest 4-6 months in SEO from the day of starting, to start ranking for your identified keywords, and 8-12 months to build a solid link profile (20-40 organic links) in order to receive 1000-1200 visits per day (estimates and numbers vary as per industry) in Year 1 itself. This can be doubled by multiplying and distributing content across platforms. 

Content Multiplication and Distribution

  • Convert the long-form content you publish on your site into multiple micro-content pieces for different platforms. You can also convert it into videos for YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram.

Paid Traffic

  • Invest 15 days to set up and test a Facebook campaign to grow your brand. I always recommend that the clients and brands who can invest and want to grow their brand fast should leverage online ads to quickly grow awareness for their brand. 

All these combined can take you to 1000-1200 visits per day in a year’s time that is equal to 30k visits in a month. 

This way in a year, you can reach 100,000 visits to your site in a year. This means anywhere between 2,000-7,000 paid email subscribers, and a proportionate number of prospects for your consulting services, courses, and masterminds – depending on the ticket size. 

The growth of your brand and opportunities that come your way because of that is a bonus.

Do you want to see it happen for your brand? 

Fine. Now, get to work.

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