How to Help Your Tribe

Bring them closer by facilitating a connection. Introduce them to each other. You can do it the easy way by posting an update on your social handles and by asking your community to introduce themselves and others to connect with them. You also do it over a Facebook group or Circle.

Answer your community’s questions on your blog in form of articles or on your podcast. Once done share with all because more than one person will find it useful.

Shine light on members of your tribe. Do that by doing a feature on them or by interviewing them. Help them grow and vouch for them when relevant.

Create learning opportunities for the tribe. Tie-up with others who teach organization and individual, do expert interviews and host learning material for them.

By doing this, you’ll also help yourself because your tribe when they find value and feel valued will bring more people in, and increase the visibility and demand for what you do.

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